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The Department of History, University of Northampton & The Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team





"Thinking the Unthinkable"

 Criminology and the Holocaust

by Paula Bowles




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Part I

Part II




Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum. Oświęcim, Poland. Last visited 13th July, 2006.
Crimes Against Humanity Exhibition: An Exploration of Genocide and Ethnic Violence. Imperial War Museum, London, England. Last visited 13th April, 2005.
Holocaust Exhibition. Imperial War Museum, London, England. Last visited 13th April, 2005.
The Beth Shalom Holocaust Centre. Nottinghamshire, England. Last visited 24th November, 2004.
The Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe. Berlin, Germany. Last visited 1st September, 2006.




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